Deadline: 1 October 2021
The Centre for Doctoral Studies at King’s College London is offering fully funded studentships to support international students to do full-time doctoral research degrees within the following academic Faculties:
Life Sciences & Medicine
Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
Natural & Mathematical Sciences
Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care
Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences
Other important information
Duration: Studentships are funded for up to 4 years
Number of available studentships: nine (9)
Awards are for 01 June 2022 start ONLY
The Scholarship covers:
Full international tuition fees
An annual stipend (UKRI-level): £17,609 (for 2021/22)
Research costs: up to £5000 per annum, depending on the project
Candidates must:
Be liable for tuition fees at the higher international/overseas rate.
Apply for a full-time MPhil/PhD programme at King's College London within one of the following Faculties by no later than 01 October 2021:
Life Sciences & Medicine
Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
Natural & Mathematical Sciences
Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care
Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences
Plan to start the MPhil/PhD at King's in June 2022.
Apply to King’s College London for the studentship (as instructed in the ‘Application Process’ section below) by 01 October 2021.
Secure an admission offer on an eligible MPhil/PhD degree programme by 31 January 2022.
Please note that:
Students who have already commenced their doctoral degree at King’s are not eligible.
Distance learning programmes are not eligible.
Professional doctorate degrees (such as the MD(Res) and DClinPsy) are not eligible.
Joint PhD programmes are not eligible.
These studentships cannot commence prior to, or after, June 2022.
Steps on How to Apply:
Identify a supervisor at King's by searching the King's research portal and King’s website - use keywords relevant to your proposed research.*
Make an application for your chosen MPhil/PhD programme via the King’s online admissions application system – King’s Apply by no later than 1 October 2021. Make sure to select June 2022 as your planned start date.
By no later than 1 October 2021, in the funding section of your King's online Admissions Application Form:-
ensure you tick the box at item 5 (Award Scheme Code or Name) and enter the code: 2122-INTCDS
Complete a separate ‘PGR International Studentships 2021-22 Form’ and attach this to the ‘Funding’ Section of your application on King’s Apply, using the ‘File Upload’ option at the bottom of the page; under the ‘Document Category’ dropdown menu, select ‘Sponsorship Document’ or 'Other'.
Provide all relevant supporting documentation and meet all entry requirements for your chosen doctoral degree programme to secure an admission offer.
*Please refer to our ‘How to apply: Research courses’ page for general guidance on how to find a supervisor and doctoral degree at King’s.
If you have already submitted an application via King’s Apply for an MPhil/PhD degree that meets the eligibility criteria, you do not have to reapply, but please ensure that your start date is updated to June 2022 and follow steps 3 and 4.
If you submitted your admissions application before including the funding code or studentship form, simply log back into King’s Apply to update the ‘Funding’ section of your application. If you experience any problems with this, please contact the admissions office via the messaging section of your application for assistance.
Students who fail to input the funding code and upload a completed studentship form, exactly as instructed in step 3, will not be picked up when we extract details from King’s Apply, so it is vital that you follow the instructions correctly!
Selection process Information and documentation provided via the online admissions application will be used to determine applicant eligibility as well as to consider the strength of an application and suitability for the studentship scheme.
Eligible applicants who have applied correctly for the studentship by 01 October 2021 will be considered by their faculty.
Ineligible candidates will not be reviewed and those who do not already hold an admission offer may have their admissions application returned as unsuccessful via King’s Apply.
Selection will be based on the following criteria:
Academic excellence of the candidate
Research proposal
Statement of Justification
The central assessment panel will determine the successful candidates of the studentships. Decisions will be announced via email by 1st March 2022.
For any questions relating to this scheme, please contact the Centre for Doctoral Studies at
Study at King’s
Degree courses
Graduate education
International students
Student life
Information for: New students
Studentships to support international students for MPhil/PhD study in any of our King's Health Faculties or Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences. Must start in June 2022.

Subject areas:MPhil/PhD programmes that fall in any of the following faculties:
Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine;
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience;
Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences;
Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing,
Midwifery & Palliative Care;
Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences.
Funding type: Tuition fee.
Bench Fees / Research Training & Support Grant.