Deadline: Varies
As part of the In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme, DAAD offers scholarships for PhD and Master studies. The programme is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and aims at university staff in the first line, without neglecting the public sector demand of academically trained personnel.
The target group for scholarships are graduates and postgraduates from Sub-Saharan Africa with a first academic degree if applying for a Master’s programme, or with a Master’s degree if applying for a doctoral programme who want to pursue Master’s or PhD courses in their home country (so called In-Country scholarships) or in another Sub-Saharan African country (In-Region scholarships). Female applicants and candidates from less privileged regions or groups are especially encouraged to participate in the programme.
Funding is provided for the usual duration of a course – generally, up to two years for Masters and up to three years for the PhD degree programmes
Monthly allowance
Study and research allowance
Printing allowance
Tuition fees
Travel allowance
Health insurance
First, applicants submit their scholarship application to the host institution. After a pre-selection has been conducted, shortlisted applicants will be asked to submit their application again via the DAAD portal for the final selection. Please note that the application procedure may differ between the regions and host institutions. The specific application instructions regarding each host institution are listed in the respective calls for applications.
Stellenbosch University (SUN), Subject fields: Master: Molecular Biology and Human Genetics (MBHG)
University of Cape Town (UCT), Subject fields: Master: Urban Studies - Southern Urbanism
University of the Western Cape (UWC), Subject fields: Master: Development Studies at ISD; PhD: Development Studies at ISD
Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), Subject fields: PhD: Computer Science
Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST), Subject field: Master: Physics (by research)
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Subject field: Master: Energy Technology
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Subject fields: Master: Soil and Water Engineering; PhD: Soil and Water Engineering
Moi University, Subject field: PhD: Biostatistics
East and South African-German Centre of Excellence for Educational Research Methodologies and Management (CERM-ESA) - Moi University, Subject field: Master: Education in Research
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKU), Subject field: Master: Food Science and Technology
Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR)*, Subject field: Master: Research and Public Policy (MRPP)
Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana, Subject field: PhD: Development Studies
West African Center for Crop Improvement (WACCI), University of Ghana, Subject fields: Master Seed Science and Technology
West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens (WACCBIP), University of Ghana, Subject field: Master: Molecular Cell Biology of Infectious Diseases
Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST), Subject fields: Master: Embedded and Mobile Systems
Busitema University, Subject field: Master: Public Health
Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), Subject fields: Master: Biology (Natural Resources Ecology, Management and Conservation); Biology (Microbiology and Parasitology) (MAP)
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), Subject field: Master: Aquaculture and Fisheries Science
Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS), Subject field: Master: Environmental Health
how to apply