Working to Advance STEM Education for African Women (WAAW) Foundation Scholarship is offering $500 (E8,600) for need-based undergraduate female African students admitted to a university, college, or institute of higher learning in Africa. This includes female students who are pursuing their STEM degrees in local institutions, who are between the ages of 16-32, have gained Undergraduate admission to a University or College in Africa and are studying a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Maths (STEM) related degree course. Candidates must demonstrate financial need and an excellent academic record. Special consideration is given to underprivileged students such as orphans, and girls impacted by HIV.
Criteria for eligibility include:
Female students of African origin, living and studying in Africa including Eswatini
Currently enrolled in an undergraduate bachelor of science degree program
Studying STEM-related courses in a University or college in Africa including Eswatini
Demonstrable financial need
Excellent Academic Record
Proven leadership, volunteering, and community service
Below the age of 32 years.
Only students in their first and second year are eligible to apply. And also students in their third year of studying a five-year course.
WAAW Foundation awards annual scholarships to students who demonstrate need and prove their status as full-time students in a STEM-related course in an African University. Recipients will be required to start a STEM Outreach Chapter at their university.
List of accepted and not accepted courses are Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-related courses at any African university, including:
a. All fields of Engineering
b. All computer science
c. Science & Mathematics related fields; Industrial chemistry, environmental sciences
d. Medical courses; Pharmacy / Biomedical, Biochemistry, Zoology
e. Agriculture, Geography, Statistics, etc.
Nursing and paramedics are not eligible for this scholarship.
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